Ferrovia Parigi-Strasburgo

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Stati attraversatiBandiera della Francia Francia
Attivazionea tratte dal 1849 al 1852
Precedenti gestoriParis-Strasbourg (1842-1853)
Est (1853-1937)
SNCF (1938-1997)
RFF (1997-2014)
Lunghezza502 km
Scartamento1,435 mm
Elettrificazione25 kV – 50 Hz V
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La ferrovia Parigi-Strasburgo (in francese Ligne de Paris-Est à Strasbourg-Ville) è un'importante linea ferroviaria posta nel Nord-Est della Francia. Servendo importanti città, quali Parigi, Châlons-en-Champagne, Commercy, Toul, Nancy, Saverne e Strasburgo.


Abbozzo ferrovieQuesta sezione sull'argomento ferrovie è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento.

La ferrovia è stata aperta a tratte dal 1849 al 1852.

La guerra franco-prussiana, terminata nel 1871 con una pesante sconfitta per la Francia, portò alla cessione dell'Alsazia e della Mosella. La parte corrispondente della linea, e parte della rete della Compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Est, divennero sotto il controllo tedesco nell'ambito di una specifica amministrazione, Kaiserliche Generaldirektion der Eisenbahnen in Elsass-Lothringen (lett. Direzione generale imperiale delle ferrovie dell'Alsazia-Lorena, abbreviato Elsass-Lothringen, EL), che impone i suoi standard tecnici, compreso il traffico sulla destra. Una stazione di confine tedesca è costruita a Nouvel-Avricourt, a spese della Francia. Venne completato nel 1875.

Dopo la vittoria francese nel 1918, la sezione tra Nouvel-Avricourt e Strasburgo è gestito dall'Amministrazione delle ferrovie dell'Alsazia e della Lorena (abbreviato in Alsazia-Lorena, AL); il traffico a destra è mantenuto sulla rete ferroviaria Alsazia-Lorena, un cavalcavia è stato costruito tra Héming e Sarrebourg.

Da parte di una rettifica dei confini tra le reti della Compagnie Chemins de fer de l'Est e Amministrazione delle ferrovie dell'Alsazia e della Lorena, venne firmato un accordo il 1º Ottobre 1930 tra il Ministro opere pubbliche e le società, in base al quale lo stato assegna all'Amministrazione delle ferrovie dell'Alsazia e della Lorena la concessione del tratto di linea tra Nouvel-Avricourt (ex confine) e Igney - Avricourt. Questa convenzione è approvata dalla legge dell'8 luglio 1933.

La linea fu elettrificata in corrente alternata a 25 kV – 50 Hz V tra il 1956 al 1962.


Sezione vuotaQuesta sezione sull'argomento ferrovie è ancora vuota. Aiutaci a scriverla!
Stazioni e fermate
Head station
0+000 Paris-Est
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
1+5 per Saint-Lazare
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
Rosa Parks (pianificato)
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "STR+r"
2+5 Raccordement d’Est-Ceinture
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZo" Unknown route-map component "ABZql" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
2+6 Petite Ceinture
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
3+2 Canal Saint-Denis (36m)
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
per La Plaine †
Station on track
4+5 Pantin
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
7+1 Canal de l’Ourcq (30 m)
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Grande Ceinture per Versailles-Ch.
Station on track
8+91 Noisy-le-Sec
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Mulhouse
Station on track
10+27 Bondy
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
T4 Aulnay-sous-Bois
Stop on track
12+82 Le Raincy
Stop on track
14+06 Gagny
Stop on track
16+12 Le Chénay-Gagny
Stop on track
18+31 Chelles-Gournay
Stop on track
22+54 Vaires-Torcy
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
22+7 LGV Est européenne per Strasburgo
Stop on track
27+35 Lagny-Thorigny
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
32+91 Ponte sulla Marna (70 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
33+23 Tunnel de Chalifert (168 m)
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "KRZu" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
33+37 LGV Interconnexion Est
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
per Crécy-la-Chapelle
Station on track
36+14 Esbly
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
37+71 Marna (70 m)
Station on track
44+2 Meaux
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
49+88 Marna (70 m)
Station on track
50+24 Trilport
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Reims
Enter and exit tunnel
54+31 Tunnel Armentières (655 m)
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
55+03 Marna (70 m)
Station on track
57+69 Changis sur Marne
Station on track
65+15 La Ferté-sous-Jouarre
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
69+65 Marna (70 m)
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
72+05 Marna (70 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
72+73 (945 m)
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
73+44 Marna (82 m)
Station on track
73+82 Nanteuil-Sarcy
Station on track
83+78 Nogent-l’Artaud-Charly
Enter and exit tunnel
87+61 (407 m)
Station on track
88+07 Chézy-sur-Marne
Station on track
94+49 Château-Thierry
Station on track
103+17 Mézy
Station on track
116+4 Dormans
Station on track
125+91 Port-à-Binson-Châtillon
Station on track
135+49 Damery-Boursault
Station on track
141+4 Épernay
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Reims
Station on track
147+6 Oiry
Station on track
154+06 Athis-Tours sur Marne
Station on track
158+65 Jalons-les-Vignes
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Parigi via LGV Est européenne e Reims
Station on track
172+21 Châlons-en-Champagne
Station on track
174+86 Coolus
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
175+76 Ferrovia Coolus–Sens
Station on track
187+72 Vitry-la-Ville
Station on track
198+82 Loisy-sur-Marne
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
204+15 Marna (57 m)
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
per Vallentigny e Fère-Champenoise
Station on track
204+90 Vitry-le-François 104 m
Station on track
217+11 Blesme-Haussignémont
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Saint-Dizier e Chaumont
Station on track
225+31 Pargny-sur-Saulx
Station on track
230+91 Sermaize-les-Bains
Station on track
239+04 Revigny
Station on track
244+99 Mussey
Station on track
253+59 Bar-le-Duc
Station on track
258+51 Longeville-Meuse
Station on track
264+97 Nançois-Tronville
Station on track
273+58 Ernécourt-Loxéville
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
per Pont-Maugis †
Station on track
288+72 Lérouville
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Metz
Station on track
294+01 Commercy
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
299+78 Mosa (90 m)
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr+r"
302+2 per Jessains †
Station on track
302+2 Sorcy 241 m
Enter and exit tunnel
306+99 (572 m)
Station on track
307+86 Pagny-sur-Meuse
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr+xr"
308 Ferrovia Bologne – Pagny-sur-Meuse
Enter and exit tunnel
311+17 (1122 m)
Station on track
312+62 Foug
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Junction both to and from right
per Culmont-Chalindrey
Station on track
319+40 Toul
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr"
per Point-Saint-Vincent †
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
327+28 Mosella (112 m)
Station on track
328+14 Fontenoy-sur-Moselle
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
336+96 Mosella (117 m)
Station on track
337+39 Liverdun
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
338+03 Mosella (117 m)
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Metz
Station on track
344+27 Frouard
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
per Sarralbe †
Station on track
347+18 Champigneulles
Station on track
352+43 Nancy
Station on track
355+29 Jarville
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Mirecourt
Station on track
357+95 Laneuveville
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
361+93 Meurthe (91 m)
Station on track
365+40 Varangéville-Saint-Nicolas
Station on track
366+08 Dombasle-sur-Meurthe
Station on track
370+14 Rosières-aux-Salines
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
per Point-Saint-Vincent
Station on track
375+46 Ferrovia Blainville-Damelevières–Lure per Blainville e Damelevières
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Épinal
Station on track
380+35 Mont-sur-Meurthe
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
382+3 Meurthe (70 m)
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
383+98 Meurthe (42 m)
Station on track
385+18 Lunéville
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Station on track
392+89 Marainviller
Station on track
401+20 Emberméril
Station on track
409+59 Igney-Avricourt
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr"
409+74 per Cirey †
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
410+89 Nouvel-Avricourt
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
412+65 per Bénestroff †
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
413+48 Réchicourt-le-Château
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
420+13 Gondrexange
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
420+34 Canal de la Marne au Rhin (32 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
422+00 Hertzing
Station on track
423+28 Héming
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
425+25 Xouaxange
Unknown route-map component "FOWl"
426+63 Inversione di marcia
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
per Abreschviller †
Station on track
431+83 Sarrebourg
Junction both to and from left Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
435+12 per Metz
Station on track
435+20 Réding
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
per Drulingen † (per LGV Est dal 2016)
Enter and exit tunnel
Tunnel Arzviller (2677 m)
Station on track
442+88 Arzviller
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
446+14 Canale Marna-Reno (92 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
446+64 Hofmuhl-Tunnel (328/247 m)
Station on track
447+98 Lutzelbourg
Enter and exit tunnel
448+30 Tunnel de Lutzelbourg (439 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
451+72 Tunnel Niederrheimberg (400 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
452+4 Tunnel Niederrheinthal (493 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
453+47 Stambach
Enter and exit tunnel
455+33 Tunnel Haut-Barr (304 m)
Station on track
458+01 Saverne
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr+r"
per Obernai †
Station on track
459+83 Zornhoff-Monswiller
Station on track
462+46 Steinbourg
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
per Obermodern †
Station on track
466+47 Dettwiller
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZu" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
LGV Est européenne
Station on track
469+64 Wilwisheim
Station on track
474+55 Hochfelden
Station on track
476+65 Schwindratzheim
Unknown route-map component "ABZgxl+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
478+08 per Sarreguemines
Station on track
479+73 Mommenheim
Station on track
484+85 Brumath
Station on track
486+57 Stephansfeld
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Wissembourg
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
LGV Est européenne
Station on track
492+39 Vendenheim
Station on track
494+74 Mundolsheim
Station on track
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Lauterbourg
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Treno merci bypass
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
per Lauterbourg
Station on track
502+0 Strasburgo
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
per Saint-Dié e per Basilea
Continuation forward
per Appenweier

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