Kamp Batu Lintang

1°31′51″N 110°20′53″E / 1.53083°N 110.34806°E / 1.53083; 110.34806JenisKamp interniran sipil dan tahanan perangInformasi situsDikontrol olehJepangSejarah situsDibangunawal 1941 sebagai barak-barak militer; diperluas secara signifikan oleh JepangDigunakanMaret 1942 – September 1945NasibDialihkan menjadi Kolese Pelatihan Guru pada 1947Garrison informationPenyewaInterniran sipil dan tahanan perang sekutu (kebanyakan Inggris, Australia dan Belanda; beberapa Indonesia, Amerika dan Kanada)
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Kamp Batu Lintang (yang juga dikenal sebagai Barak-Barak Lintang dan kamp tahanan perang Kuching) di Kuching, Sarawak, pulau Kalimantan adalah sebuah kamp interniran Jepang pada masa Perang Dunia Kedua. Biasanya, tempat tersebut digunakan untuk menempatkan interniran sipil dan tahanan perang Sekutu. Kamp tersebut, yang dioperasikan dari Maret 1942 sampai pembebasan kamp tersebut pada September 1945, berisi bangunan-bangunan yang aslinya merupakan barak-barak Angkatan Darat India Britania. Kawasan tersebut direbut oleh Jepang, sampai tempat tersebut diperluas menjadi sekitar 50 acre (20 hektar).[1] Populasi kamp tersebut berubah-ubah, karena pergerakan para tahanan antar kamp ke kamp di Kalimantan, dan akibat kematian para tahanan. Populasi maksimumnya berjumlah sekitar 3,000 tahanan.[2]


  1. ^ Firkins 115
  2. ^ Keith 76


  • Anonymous (1944) "Kuching Internment Camp, July 1943" The Chronicle: A Quarterly Report Of The Borneo Mission Association 28(1), 7 (March 1944)
  • Archer, B. E. (1999) A study of civilian internment by the Japanese in the Far East, 1941–45 Essex: B. Archer (University of Essex PhD thesis)
  • Archer, Bernice (2004) The Internment of Western Civilians under the Japanese 1941–45, A Patchwork of Internment London: Routledge Curzon ISBN 0-7146-5592-9 (A 2008 reprint with expanded final chapter has been published by Hong Kong University Press)
  • Archer, John Belville (1946) (collected and edited) Lintang Camp: Official Documents from the Records of The Civilian Internment Camp (No 1 Camp) at Lintang, Kuching, Sarawak, During the Years 1942-1943-1944-1945. Published as a pamphlet March 1946
  • Archer, John Belville (1997) Glimpses of Sarawak Between 1912 & 1946: Autobiographical Extracts & Articles of an Officer of the Rajahs Compiled and edited by Vernon L. Porritt Special Issue of the Department of South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull ISBN 0-85958-906-4
  • Arvier, Robyn (2001) "Caesar's Ghost!": Maurie Arvier's story of war, captivity and survival Launceston, Tasmania. Arvier was in the Australian officers' camp
  • Arvier, Robyn (collected and edited) (2004) Don’t worry about me: Wartime letters of the 8th Division A.I.F. Launceston, Tasmania: Bokprint. ISBN 0-646-44026-8
  • Bell, Frank (1991) Undercover University (revised edition) Cambridge: Elisabeth Bell. ISBN 0-9516984-0-0 (Originally published in 1990, same ISBN). Bell was in the British officers' camp; his wife published his account after his death
  • Brown, D. A. D. (1946) "Reminiscences of Internment" The Chronicle: A Quarterly Report Of The Borneo Mission Association 29(3), 37 (December 1946)
  • Colley, George S. Jr. (1951) Manila, Kuching and return 1941–1945 San Francisco: privately printed (first printing 1946). Colley was in the male civilians' camp; his wife was in the female civilians' camp
  • Cunningham, Michele K. (2006) Defying the Odds. Surviving Sandakan and Kuching Lothian Books/Hachette Livre ISBN 978-0-7344-0917-1
  • Darch, Ernest G. (Airman) (2000) Survival in Japanese POW Camps with Changkol and Basket London: Minerva Press. ISBN 0-7541-1161-X (also published by Stewart Books, Ontario, Canada). Darch was in the British other ranks' camp
  • Dawson, Christopher (1995) To Sandakan: The Diaries of Charlie Johnstone Prisoner of War 1942–45 St Leonards, Australia: Allen & Unwin. ISBN 1-86373-818-5 Johnstone, an Australian serving in the RAF, was in the British officers' camp
  • Digby, K. H. (1980) Lawyer in the Wilderness Ithaca, New York: Cornell University (Data Paper 114, Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies) Digby was in the male civilians' camp
  • Evans, Stephen R. (1999) Sabah (North Borneo) Under the Rising Sun Government Printed in Malaysia, no publisher details or ISBN. Contains an account by J. R. Baxter, who was in the male civilians' camp
  • Firkins, Peter (1995) Borneo Surgeon: A Reluctant Hero Carlisle, Western Australia: Hesperian Press. ISBN 0-85905-211-7. A biography of Dr James P. Taylor, Principal Medical Officer in North Borneo when the Japanese invaded. His wife Celia was in the female civilians' camp
  • Forbes, George K. et al. (1947) Borneo Burlesque: Comic Tragedy/Tragic Comedy Sydney: H. S. Clayton. Edition limited to 338 copies
  • Howes, Peter H. H. (1976) "The Lintang Camp: Reminiscences of an Internee during the Japanese Occupation, 1942–1945" Journal of the Malaysian Historical Society (Sarawak Branch) 2, 33–47. Howes was a Church of England priest in Sarawak, and was in the male civilians' camp
  • Howes, Peter H. H. (1994) In a Fair Ground or Cibus Cassowari London: Excalibur Press. ISBN 1-85634-367-7
  • Keith, Agnes Newton (1955) Three Came Home London: Michael Joseph (Mermaid Books). Originally published in 1947 by Little Brown and Company, Boston, Mass. Keith was in the female civilians' camp
  • Keith, Agnes Newton (1972) Beloved Exiles Boston, Mass: Little Brown and Company Semi-autobiographical novel based on Keith's time in Borneo, including her internment
  • Kell, Derwent (1984) A Doctor's Borneo Brisbane: Boolarong Publications. ISBN 0-908175-80-9. Derwent Kell is the pen name of Dr Marcus C. Clarke, who was in the male civilians' camp
  • Kirby, S. Woodburn et al. (1957) The War Against Japan. Volume 1: The Loss of Singapore London: HMSO
  • Kirby, S. Woodburn et al. (1969) The War Against Japan. Volume 5: The Surrender of Japan London: HMSO
  • Lim, Shau Hua Julitta (1995) From an Army Camp to a Teacher College: A History of Batu Lintang Teachers' College, Kuching, Sarawak ISBN 983-99068-0-1
  • Lim, Shau Hua Julitta (2005) Pussy's in the well: Japanese Occupation of Sarawak 1941 – 1945 Kuching, Sarawak: Research and Resource Centre ISBN 983-41998-2-1 Some accounts, many photographs and some nominal rolls
  • Long, Gavin (1963) The Final Campaigns Australia in the War 1939–1945 Series 1 (Army), Volume 7. Canberra: Australian War Memorial (Online in PDF form at [1] Diarsipkan 2006-08-27 di Wayback Machine.)
  • Mackie, John (2007) Captain Jack Surveyor and Engineer: The autobiography of John Mackie Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Institute of Surveyors ISBN 0-9582486-6-4 Mackie was in the British officers' camp
  • Newman, Carolyn (ed) (2005) Legacies of our Fathers South Melbourne: Lothian Books ISBN 0-7344-0877-3 Accounts of six Australian officers and a female civilian internee
  • O'Connor, Michael P. (1954) The More Fool I Dublin: Michael F. Moynihan Account of O'Connor's time in Malaya, including Batu Lintang. He was in the male civilians' camp
  • Ooi, Keat Gin (1998) Japanese Empire in the Tropics: Selected Documents and Reports of the Japanese Period in Sarawak, Northwest Borneo, 1941–1945 Ohio University Center for International Studies, Monographs in International Studies, SE Asia Series 101 (2 vols) ISBN 0-89680-199-3 Contains many accounts by British POWs and civilian internees.
  • Ooi, Keat Gin (2006) "The 'Slapping Monster' and Other Stories: Recollections of the Japanese Occupation (1941–1945) of Borneo through Autobiographies, Biographies, Memoirs, and Other Ego-documents" Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 7(3), Winter 2006
  • Purden, Ivor M. (1989) "Japanese P.O.W. Camps in Borneo" in Neville Watterson (1989) Borneo: The Japanese P.O.W. Camps – Mail of the Forces, P.O.W. and Internees (published by W. N. Watterson)
  • Reece, Bob (1998) Masa Jepun: Sarawak under the Japanese 1941–1945 Kuching, Sarawak: Sarawak Literary Society ISBN 983-9115-06-5
  • St. John-Jones, L. W. (2004) "The Kuching Prisoner-of-War Camp 1944–45: Heroism and Tragedy" Sabah Society Journal 21
  • Smallfield, E. J. (1947) "Internment Under the Japanese" New Zealand Surveyor 19, no 4, April 1947, 301–310. Smallfield was in the male civilians' camp
  • Southwell, C. Hudson (1999) Uncharted Waters Calgary, Canada: Astana Publishing ISBN 0-9685440-0-2 Southwell was in the male civilians' camp
  • Taylor, Brian (2006) "Lintang Camp Memorials" The Sarawak Museum Journal 62(83), 59–62 (December 2006)
  • Torrens, Alexandra (1998) "Borneo burlesque" Wartime 4 (Summer 1998), 51–55. Wartime is the official magazine of the Australian War Memorial. The article is about a group of officers who made it their mission to uphold the morale of Australian POWs in Batu Lintang
  • Walker, Allan S. (1953) Middle East and Far East Australia in the War 1939–1945 Series 5 (Medical), Volume 2. Canberra: Australian War Memorial (1962 reprint online in PDF form at [2] Diarsipkan 2007-06-07 di Wayback Machine.)
  • Wall, Don (no date, post-1993) Kill the Prisoners! Mona Vale, NSW, Australia: Don Wall ISBN 0-646-27834-7
  • Watterson, W. N. (1989) and (1994) Borneo: The Japanese P.O.W. Camps – Mail of the Forces, P.O.W. and Internees (published in two parts by W. N. Watterson) ISBN 0-9514951-0-0 (Part 1, 1989); ISBN 0-9514951-2-7 (Part 2, 1994)
  • Wigmore, Lionel (1957) The Japanese Thrust Australia in the War 1939–1945 Series 1 (Army), Volume 4. Canberra: Australian War Memorial (Online in PDF form at [3] Diarsipkan 2008-06-23 di Wayback Machine.)
  • Yap, Felicia (2004) Reassessing the Japanese prisoner of war and internment experience: the Lintang Camp, Kuching, Sarawak, 1942–45 Cambridge: M. Phil. dissertation (copy held in the Seeley Library, University of Cambridge Faculty of History)

Pranala luar

Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Batu Lintang camp.
  • Plan of the camp, one of several different versions The plan is dated 1945, and the layout of the barracks differs (mostly in orientation rather than location) from that shown in the 1945 aerial reconnaissance photographs held at the AWM
  • Sketch of malnutrition cases from Batu Lintang "Typical Malnutrition Cases: Australian and British Prisoners of War just released from Lintang Barracks, Kuching, Borneo 16 September 1945" by Tony Rafty. Imperial War Museum, Catalogue No. Art.IWM ART LD 5884
  • Sketch of hospitalised POWs from Batu Lintang "British Prisoners-of-War after Rescue from Kuching, Borneo" by Tony Rafty. Imperial War Museum, Catalogue No. Art.IWM ART LD 5885
  • Photograph of the stone which commemorated the opening of the camp on 15 August 1942. Diarsipkan 2008-07-23 di Wayback Machine. The stone bears the name of the camp commander, Colonel Tatsuji Suga, and the command "Be faithful". It is now housed at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.
  • Information on Borneo Burlesque (Forbes et al..) Diarsipkan 2008-02-14 di Wayback Machine.
  • Episode 10 of Can We Help? Broadcast by ABC 18 April 2008. Part of the programme features Dandi Michael Tiong, who with his twin brother Danis Stephen Tiong was in the camp as a child. Includes some AWM archive footage of the camp. (NB all archive film material shows Batu Lintang, not the Labuan camp mentioned). Relevant times: 01:24–02:05 and 17:58–25:03.
  • A roll book kept in the British Other Ranks' compound and now in the National Museums of Scotland
  • "Perspex Crucifix" by Sarah Hilary, an article in foto8 about her mother and maternal grandparents who were civilian internees in the camp
  • "How the Japanese military used my family" by Sarah Hilary, an article in The Guardian, "Family" section, pp 4–5, 1 March 2014. (The online version of the article is titled "My mother was Emperor Hirohito's poster child").
  • Three Came Home full movie (now in the public domain)

Personal histories

  • Maurie Arvier (Australian serviceman) Short account Diarsipkan 2011-09-27 di Wayback Machine. Scroll down to near the bottom of the page
  • Mary Baldwin (civilian internee) Captivity; Release
  • John Stewart Bell (Australian serviceman) Short account; Short account Same article but both have small amounts of additional information
  • Leslie Bickerton (British serviceman) The Batu Lintang Union Jack Diarsipkan 2007-04-08 di Wayback Machine.
  • Charles Cleal (British serviceman) Short account
  • W. G. Cockburn (British serviceman) The use of maggots to clean a wound Second article down on the page
  • Edwin John Esler (Australian serviceman) Short account
  • Robert Fyvie and Frances Colina (British serviceman and civilian internee) Couple who met at Batu Lintang and married soon after their liberation
  • Bennie Gold (British serviceman) Near-discovery of the generator; Religion in the camp
  • Harold McManus (American serviceman) Short account The webpage is mainly about Harold's brother, O. C. McManus
  • Les Mockridge (British serviceman) Short account. Mockridge was initially at Sandakan Diarsipkan 2007-06-26 di Wayback Machine.
  • Dennis Riley (British serviceman) Life in the camp; The radio; Liberation of the camp; Labuan field hospital
  • Vernon Hopetoun Smith (Australian serviceman) Brief profile


  • Batu Lintang Teachers' Training College website (in Malay) Diarsipkan 2007-03-11 di Wayback Machine.
  • Borneo POW Relatives Association of Western Australia Parts of the site still under construction
  • COFEPOW (Children and Families of Far East Prisoners of War)
  • FEPOW (Far East Prisoners of War) Community